First, we’ll create a campaign and call it "4th of July" (Automation → Campaigns → Create Campaign)…
And within that newly-created campaign, we’ll add a single email or SMS event:
We’re just putting in some demo text now, but imagine that you use this campaign for anything you want, like…
- Announcing a special offer/promotion
- Inviting clients to a holiday event
- Wishing them a happy holiday
Or any other kind of promotion you can come up with.
Great! Now, we’ve got our quick campaign built and we can Create Your Custom Holiday Trigger
What you’re going to do is tell SalesInvite to fire off this campaign to ALL the contacts in the system every July 4th…
And the way you do that is create a custom trigger rule. We’ll call ours 4th of July:
Now, when you open up that rule, you’ll set the following triggers and actions:
For your trigger event, select Custom Date Reminder…
Then set the Month is and Day is filters to July and 4th.
In the right column, you only need to choose Add To Campaign and then select the holiday campaign you built in the first step.
And just like that, we’re done!
Now every year on July 4th, your client’s contacts will receive an email or SMS…
You could leave it as-is to keep the brand top of mind, or change an offer or promotion in a snap by simply editing the campaign.
Sure, this is a basic SalesInvite hack, but it can be extremely powerful when used properly. And it’s that perfect blend of client benefit and minimal effort that your business should be using to enhance your customer experience.