Follow the steps below to create Email Signatures for users from admin account:
- Click Settings from the left side menu
- Click Team Management in the header menu
- Click Edit for the user you want to add a custom signature
- Customize the signature in the Email Signature field
- Click Save
Follow the steps below to create Email Signatures for users:
- Click Settings from the left side menu
- Click Profile in the header menu
- You will find the Email Signature section underneath your personal data section
- Customize the signature in the Email Signature field
- Click Save
Follow the steps below to automatically append the email signature to email event templates
- Click Marketing
- Click Campaigns
- Click the name of a campaign to open up the campaign (or create a new campaign if you don't already have one)
- Click Campaign Configurations
- Use the drop down in the Users field to assign user(s) to the campaign
- Click Save
- Click Edit on an email event within the campaign (or add an email event)
- Within the email template click Custom Values -> User -> Signature. Make sure the code given is at the bottom of the email template (where you would expect to see an email signature)
- Click Save
- Make sure the campaign is Published if you want to be able to add contacts to it (top right drop down within the campaign)
Done! Now all of the contacts that get put into this campaign will be assigned to the user(s) assigned to the campaign and will receive the email signature within the email event pertaining to the user they were assigned.